Many health professionals speak about how to lose unhealthy weight with a few lifestyle changes :
1. Don't eat processed food
2. Move your body more often
3. Address stress and stress eating
4. Practice intermittent fasting
Would you agree that's easier said than done?
This is why I keep talking about the Slenderiiz Day and Night drops.
A. Lets talk about APPETITE. Every day our digestive system sends signals to our brain telling us it's time to eat. Quite often , these signals are firing even when we are not truly hungry. Any dieter will proclaim the sheer willpower it require to rewire the appetite . But what if I told you there are several naturally substances in the Slenderiiz drops do the hard work for you?
B. METABOLISM Your body gets most of its energy through the food you eat and converting nutrients into energy is known as Metabolism. When at rest , the number of calories your body uses to carry out basic functions such as breathing, blood circulation, hormones regulation ,and cellular growth and repair is know as metabolic rate . With the help of a few safe and natural ingredients , this rate can be temporarily increased so you burn more calories - you actually speed up your metabolism.
C. HORMONES You may not think too much about hormones when you think about weight. But did you know certain hormones circulating in your body right now are directly responsible for fat production? You can control these hormones and maximize your weight loss through ingredients specifically formulated with this in mind.
D. STRESS When you are stressed or suffering from a lack of sleep, your body increases its production of cortisol, a hormones that is directly related to fat storage. Control this by getting plenty of rest and using the night drops to help regulates cortisol levels in the blood.
E. DIGESTION Since your diet plays a big role in your ability to lose weight, optimal digestion is imperative. When your digestion slows down or is not function well, your body isn't able to maximize key nutrients in your food. Certain ingredients promote healthy digestion so that you get the most from your food to keep you healthy and fit.
Weight loss is more then just about what you eat and how much you exercise.Our body is complex, with systems that need to work in balance in order for you to experience optimal health and weight management .
That's why there's SLENDERIIZ Day and Night drops